Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Haul post: 1st haul of year 2017

hi despite the fact that i made a resolution to spend less money on cosmetics and other stuff i caved in to temptation and ended up buying a lot of stuff this month , so here it is the the very first haul of year 2017 i purchased  this amazing mascara by essence for 450 Pkr and the very hyped up la girl hd pro concealer in...
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Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Best and Worst of year 2016 in terms of Makeup and Skincare

Here is break down report of what I think are the worst beauty products of year 2016 Worst beauty products : Freemans cucumber mask was the worst mask I have ever tried despite all the rav-views it got the mask does nothing to the skin. Its just like spreading water glue on the face and peeling it off. total waste of money ,...
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