Saturday 12 January 2019


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I tried out so many sheet masks last year but I only reviewed the ones which impressed me on my blog.

Today's review is on a revolutionary discovery which completely changed my perspective on sheet masks and made me understand the difference between a great  and an average sheetmask

SNP's latest technology involving 0.2 mm perfectly adhering bio-cell mask
Try Bio-cell masks for your skin distressed from bluelight, long working hours, urban pollution. Completed tested for skin safety and low stimulation

Starting off with the outer packaging, I like the solid black color with a picture of main ingredient printed on the front. On the back details, ingredients list along with directions are printed in both Hangul and English ( thank SNP for adding details in English on your product. Most of the time Google Translate fails to translate accurately )

The Biocell sheet is sandwiched between two mesh covers. Though the packaging says 22ml of essence/serum I was so surprised to see no residual/left over serum in the packet. See a good sheetmask absorbs all the serum so that maximum of it gets absorbed into the skin.
 The serum is transparent and has a slightly viscous texture. The sheet had great dimensions to fit various face shapes. The cut out for eye, nose and lips are good too. I didn't face any problem adjusting it to my face

[Direction] After cleansing and toning skin, take off mesh on one side of the mask. 2. Apply evenly onto face, aligning with eyes and lips. 3. Hold the mask with one hand and use the other to take off the opposite mesh. 4. Remove from chin up after 10-20 minutes. 5. Gently massage remaining essence.

This bio cell mask has great adherence. It sticks to the face like second skin. I went around the house doing my daily chores and this didn't fall off at all.
The material is high quality and sturdy. It doesn't tear apart or loosd its shape.

I wore this for 40 mins and I didn't felt like taking it off because it felt so good. My skin looked so much hydrated and soft.  The next day my skin was so smooth and soft that I didn't felt like applying skincare.

Avocado & peptides for double nutrition effect: this mask has a nice mild very natural avacado scent. SNP has done such a great job with the fragrance/scent . This smelled so delicious that I couldn't help tasting the serum ( please dont do that its bitter ). The serum did leave a slightly tacky residue which dryed down after a few minutes.

Propolis and scientific ingredient Hyaluronic Acid provides double moisturizing. I have tried quite a lot propolis containing skincare products but none of them smelled so close to honey/propolis like this one by SNP. This smells 100% like honey. When I applied it to my face I couldn't totally smell the natural sweet propolis scent. This has a water like transparent serum and absorbs completely into the skin without any tacky residue.

SNP has really impressed me with these Biocell sheetmask every thing about them is perfect. The scent is mild and natural. The sheet is thin and has a great fit and adherence. The serum is transparent and very moisturizing. These masks are perfect for all skin types and be enjoyed all year long

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