Been eyeballing skincare products containing Vitamin C serum ever since I started taking interest in skincare but the high price tag always kept me from making a purchase. So i gave my skin the dose of Vitamin C it deserved by applying diluted lemon juice mixed with glycerin onto my face once every week (This DIY leaves skin soft and bright it also lightens hyper pigmentation) But some weeks ago I had an opportunity to try this Purito Vitamin C serum and now i wish i had tried this sooner. This smells like vitamin supplements 😆 (gross right ) but the results which you get afterwards are really worth all the trouble and bad smell 😅
The serum is cased in a sturdy tinted plastic bottle( vitamin C tends to oxidize pretty fast so tinted bottles prevent them from un necessary light exposure) with a pump(very convenient and handy) and contains 60 ml of serum in it. The pump dispenses product quite generously so 1 pump is enough to cover the whole face
This serum has a light straw color and has a water like texture which is not greasy or slippery. On application it stings slightly (its bearable) I have noticed that the sting vanishes once the serum dries down and is absorbed. My skin feels super smooth every time I use this.
Long term effects: Reduced hyper pigmentation and lighter acne scars 👍. Since Vitamin C/ ascorbic acid content is 10% I have decided to use this once every week as I don't want to damage my skin with too much acids and exfoliation. Sometimes I mix this serum with my regular face cream and apply this onto the face. This serum is a must have if you are starting out with skincare and want to incorporate some skin vitalising/ collagen boosting product to your routine 🙆. This can be purchased at eopen market